Welcome to Kalamazoo College!
We are thrilled to welcome the parents and families of the Class of 2028!
At Kalamazoo College we appreciate and value the supporting role that families play in the education of their student. To continue that support we offer numerous sessions during the first two days of Orientation specifically for parents and families. The full schedule was mailed to parents as part of a larger mailing in June 2024. We also invite you to review the Prepare for Orientation section and the full 2024 Parent and Family Orientation Schedule below.
Note: Orientation is required for all new students so please make sure to arrive no later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
Prepare for Orientation
Before Orientation
- Orientation Packet and Room Assignments – Students will receive their packet via mail in June and their specific residence hall room assignment and roommate information via their Kalamazoo College email account in late July. Please encourage your student to check their Kalamazoo College email frequently, as email is the main communication method not only during the summer, but during the academic year as well.
- Health Verification – Please confirm that your student submits all required health documentation by the deadline of August 1, 2024.
- Lodging – Families Families and friends are not permitted to stay in the residence halls during Orientation, as students are extremely busy and we need them to focus on Orientation sessions and making connections with their roommates and peers.
During Orientation
- Student Check In – Residence halls open for new students to check in on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Early check in is not permitted. Families can arrive anytime during that time frame (students are not assigned specific arrival times). Please note that morning can be especially busy.
- Fall athletes, international students, and students participating in the LandSea program will have separate check in times per the requirements of their programs and will be notified in advance by the corresponding campus department.
- Review the full Parent & Family Orientation schedule below for information on activities. Note that the Parent and Family program concludes at 5 p.m. on Thursday and we ask that families depart campus at that time.
Accessibility Information
Learn about accessible parking around campus along with barrier free access to campus buildings.
Accessible Parking & Campus Routes
Report an accessibility barrier to HR and Accessibility Services at K. We will address all concerns as soon as possible. Thank you.
Report an Accessibility Barrier
Getting Around Campus
All events listed in the Parent & Family Orientation Schedule have links to the location of events. For a map visit the Kalamazoo College Campus Map page.
Parent & Family Orientation Schedule 2024
Information Desk and Center Hours
Wednesday, September 11
Health Center | 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location – Main Floor, Hicks Student Center
Health Center staff is available for health information verification as well as general consultation with students and families
Information Table | 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Atrium, Hicks Student Center
Stop by for opening day schedules, maps, directions, suggestions for lunch and answers to your questions.
Bookstore Open – 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Hicks Student Center
Go Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
Book Club Café | 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: Upjohn Library Commons
Stop by the first floor of the Upjohn Library and allow one of our baristas to serve you a cup of Kalamazoo Coffee, hot chocolate, tea or a specialty espresso. Choose from fast grab-and-go sandwiches, salads, snacks, and drinks. Credit/debit cards are accepted only.
Thursday, September 12
Information Table | 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Atrium, Hicks Student Center
Stop by for schedules, maps, directions and answers to your questions.
Book Club Café | 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: Upjohn Library Commons
Stop by the first floor of the Upjohn Library and allow one of our baristas to serve you a cup of Kalamazoo Coffee, hot chocolate, tea or a specialty espresso. Choose from fast grab-and-go sandwiches, salads, snacks, and drinks. Credit/debit cards are accepted only.
Bookstore Open | 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Hicks Student Center
Go Hornets! 20% off Kalamazoo College imprinted items.
Wednesday, September 11
9 a.m.-4 p.m. | Student Move-In
Location: Residence Halls (please refer to the campus map for your student’s exact residence hall)
Note: Morning is extremely busy, so families are highly encouraged to arrive throughout the day for a more stress-free move in.
Resident assistants (RAs) and FYE (first-year experience) Mentors will be stationed at check-in tables at each residence hall to welcome your student. Students will pick up their orientation folder from the FYE Mentors. Then see the Residential Life staff to get their student ID, room key, check into their room and get settled. Health verification must be completed before students can check in. Students with incomplete health requirements will be directed to the Health Center to complete any necessary requirements before they are permitted to check in.
11 a.m-1 p.m. | Lunch
Location: Welles Dining Hall in Hicks Student Center, or off campus
Students and their families are welcome to have lunch together on campus at the Dining Hall in the Hicks Student Center, or venture off campus to one of
Kalamazoo’s excellent eating establishments (a list of restaurants is available at the information table). New students can use their student ID (which also serves as their meal card) for entrance to the Dining Hall. Families may pay (debit/credit card only) at the Dining Hall entrance.
2-2:45 p.m. | Understanding Billing and Financial Aid
Location: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Join Dean of Financial Aid Becca Murphy and Student Accounts Coordinator Juan Muniz for a session to help understand the financial side of sending your student to college. This program will be repeated on Thursday.
3-3:45 p.m. | Supporting Your Student’s Transition
Location: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Join Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students J. Malcolm Smith, along with several members of the Student Development staff, for a panel conversation about how to help your student be successful in their transition to college. This program will be repeated on Thursday.
4-5:30 p.m. | First-Generation Welcome Program
Location: Hicks Banquet Room
A special welcome for first-generation students (student whose parents did not complete a four-year bachelor’s degree; or in the case of a student who resided with and received support from only one parent, a student whose only such parent did not complete a four-year bachelor’s degree) and their families. Appetizers will be served and information specifically for first-generation students and their families will be shared. There will also be a panel of returning first-generation students who will share their experiences and answer questions.
5-7 p.m. | Dinner
Location: Dining Center in Hicks Student Center or off campus
Students and their families are welcome to have dinner together on campus
at the Dining Hall in the Hicks Student Center, or venture off campus to one of Kalamazoo’s excellent eating establishments (a list of restaurants is available at the information table). New students can use their student ID (which also serves as their meal card) for entrance to the Dining Hall. Families may pay (debit/credit card only) at the Dining Hall entrance.
Evening | Relax or Explore Kalamazoo
Families are welcome to just relax after a day of moving their students in or explore Kalamazoo. Information about downtown Kalamazoo is available at the information table in the Hicks Student Center. Students will be busy during the evening (events are for students only). Families are invited to stay overnight off campus at one of the many accommodations available in Kalamazoo (family members are not permitted to stay overnight in the residence halls during orientation).
Thursday, September 12
A variety of sessions for parents and families are available today and we hope you take advantage of them! Students will have different sessions occurring at the same time which are listed on their orientation schedule. Those sessions are for students only. Parents and families, we ask that you please attend the sessions designed for you listed on this schedule. Thanks!
7-9 a.m. | Breakfast | Various Locations
Families may pay (credit/debit card only) at the Dining Hall entrance. New students can use their student ID (which also serves as their meal card) to access the Dining Hall.
9-9:45 a.m. | Parent and Family Information Sessions I
Parents and families are invited to attend one of the following sessions (some sessions will be repeated and those are indicated with a + after the title):
More After 4: Preparing your student for life after K with the Office of Career and Professional Development+
Location: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Session will be repeated
The K Curriculum and the Liberal Arts: Classes, Requirements and the10-week quarter system+
Location: Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center
Session will be repeated
Supporting your Student’s Transition: A Conversation with the Dean of Students and Student Development
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
Academic Resources and Support for Student Success+
Location: Upjohn Library, 1st floor Learning Commons
Session will be repeated
All About Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away
Location: Room 305, Dewing Hall
Session will be repeated
10-10:45 a.m. | Parent and Family Information Sessions II
Parents and families are invited to attend one of the following sessions (some sessions will be repeated and those are indicated with a + after the title):
College Student Mental Health
Location: Room 305, Dewing Hal
Session will be repeated
Meeting for Families of New Hornet Athletes (athlete parents only)
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
Faculty Panel: A discussion with faculty from a variety of disciplines
Location: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Campus Walking Tour
Location: Meet outside of the Hicks Student Center
Session will be repeated
The Ins and Outs of Eating on Campus with Dining Services
Location: Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center
11 a.m.-1:00 p.m. | Lunch Break and Resource Tables
Location: On campus at Hicks Student Center Lower Atrium or Off-campus
Families are welcome to purchase lunch on campus at either the Book Club in Upjohn Library or the Dining Hall in Hicks Student Center, or venture off campus (a list of restaurants is available at the Information Table). Students will be eating with their Seminar groups so the Dining Hall will be extremely crowded.
Before or after lunch, head down to the Hicks Atrium to learn more about campus and some of the many resources and opportunities available to your student. Tables will include:
Staff from Student Activities, Career and Professional Development, Center for International Programs, Health Center, K College Insurance Plan (SHIP), Counseling Center, Office of Gender Equity and Access, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, Center for Environmental Stewardship, Campus Mail Center, Human Resources/Student Employment, Wellness and CARE, and more are available at tables to provide information and answer questions.
1-1:45 p.m. | Parent and Family Information Sessions III
Parents and families are invited to attend one of the following sessions:
Understanding Billing and Financial Aid: The financial side of sending your student to college
Location: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
The K Curriculum and the Liberal Arts: Classes, Requirements and the 10-week quarter system
Location: Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center
College Student Mental Health
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
Academic Resources and Support for Student Success
Location: Upjohn Library, 1st floor Learning Commons
Campus Walking Tour
Location: Meet outside of the Hicks Student Center
2-2:45 p.m. | Parent and Family Information Sessions IV
Parents and families are invited to attend one of the following sessions:
Power Up: Your Impact in Prevention of Alcohol & Drug Misuse and Sexual Misconduct
Location: Banquet Room, Hicks Student Center
All About Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away
Location: Room 305, Dewing Hall
More After Four: Preparing your student for life after K with the Office of Career and Professional Development
Location: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Civic Engagement: Learning, Working, Contributing to Community
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
Tour of the Fitness & Wellness Center
Location: Fitness & Wellness Center
3 p.m. | Convocation
Location: Lower Quad (Rain Site: Stetson Chapel students; Dalton Theatre, Light Fine Arts, Families)
With this ceremony, we formally welcome the matriculating class of 2028 into the Kalamazoo College community.
President Jorge Gonzalez, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students J. Malcolm Smith, Provost Danette Ifert Johnson, Chaplain Elizabeth Candido, the Convocation speaker, faculty, staff, and President’s Student Ambassadors welcome students and their families. Convocation concludes with all new students signing the Matriculation Registry.
Immediately Following | Hugs and Farewell Reception
Rain Site: Hicks Student Center
Refreshments served outside the Hicks Student Center. Parents and families depart campus when the reception concludes at 5 p.m.
Questions about Parent and Family Orientation can be directed to Sally Read, sally.read@kzoo.edu, Associate Director of Student Involvement, or Dana Jansma, dana.jansma@kzoo.edu, Senior Associate Dean of Students and First-Year Class Dean. We look forward to seeing you on campus in September!